Sunday 20 December 2020

inner Bondi in 2017 - Saint Anne's Church

statues of Saint Anne & her daugher Mary, future mother of Jesus of Nazareth.

Blair Street is actually a broad avenue. 
Blair Street looking towards Dover Heights
Mitchell Street looking towards Saint Anne's Church. 
Vegetable garden next to footpath on Warners Avenue.

a last look at Saint Anne's.
16 Beach Road, where my dear friend Maria Gouveia used to live in the 70s, 80s & 90s.
another shot at 16 Beach Road which was refurbished by Maria's daughter in the 2000s.
Bondi Road
Aged crossing on Bondi Road.
Saint Anthony Primary School in Clovelly
St. Anthony's Church in Clovelly turned 100 years old in 2017.
Sunday Mass at Saint Anthony's in Clovelly.

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