Friday 17 July 2020

39 & 37 Marmion St. Camperdown-NSW

39 Marmion Street is the small set of flats on the left as photographed in March 2018; I lived first in the house next door, 37 Marmion Street. I shared a room with other 3 people; a Lebanese girl from Perth called Amira and Christopher Warren, a lawyer who belonged to the ALP (Australian Labor Party). This was circa November 1981. Then in early 1982, the landlord wanted the house and we all had to move out. That's when I rented a bed-sitter next-door, which is this building on the corner with Saint Mary's Lane. 
This photo was taken by Google Maps in September 2019. They had the huge tree pruned in the meantime. My flat was the window on the top, left-hand side.
37 Marmion Street is almost the same as 40 years back, except for the bars on the front door. 
Marmion Street was ideal for me for I worked at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital on Missenden Road, within walking distance. I also walked to Newtown Railway Station on King Street

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