Tuesday 14 July 2020

Saint Brigid's on Good Friday 2018

Marrickville Italian community organize a pageantry of Jesus's crucifixion and funeral every year on Good Friday's night. 
I arrived at Saint Bridig's around 3:00 pm. The altar was almost bare excpt for the empty Cross on the right. The service was done in English and ltalian but l noticed English was used much more which means older Italians are dying out.
On the left side of the main altar area there laid a statue of Jesus' dead body on a bier waiting to be taken into centre stage during the solenities. The same bier would be taken on men's shoulders out of the Church and marched along Marrickville streets surrounding it. 
All of a sudden the place was taken over by Roman soldiers, priests, Roman authorituies & even Sydney's Bishop's Assistant which means Australian Catholic hierarchy gives prominence to this 'fringe' event. 
Before it got to this stage there was a performance of Jesus' crucifixion done by some 15 kids impersonating Jesus, Mary, Mary Magdalene, Simon etc. Everything done in very good taste. I could not take photos because it was too dark.
Unfortunately my camera was cheap otherwise l'd've taken great pictures inside Saint Brigid's. It was fun watching these 2 kid's reaction to the whole drama unfolding.
Mater Dolorosa with her mantle pinned with fives, tens and twenties... 
Mater Dolorosa collected dollar bills during the afternoon and accompanied her Son's burial in the evening.
Even though it was already early Autumn it was fairly hot inside Saint Brigid's on Friday evening. 

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