Tuesday 5 January 2021

Kingsford & vicinities on 31st December 2017


white picket fences with red geraniums on Paton Street in Kingsford

main arteries around Kingsford: Anzac Pde., Avoca St., Botany St. & Bunnerong Rd.
Royal Prince of Wales Hospital on Avoca Street, Randwick. 
Park in front of RPWH on Avoca Street. 
The Randwick Destitute Children's Asylum in 1866, also the site of the first Randwick Borough Council meeting in 1859, is today part of the Prince of Wales Hospital.
Royal Prince of Wales Hospital area at Avoca Street; see St Marks Rd corner Clovelly Rd.
A Kingsford denizen decided to make his Xmas tree out of a scrotum plant aka Bishop's ball. I wonder whether one could say: Have a ball of a Christmas? In Brazil this funny-shaped bush is called 'Saco de Adão' (Adam's scrotum). 
Hitchcock would love it... Crazy magpies swooping on people's heads...
Blackie is a neighbour's cat at the house on Anzac Pde I was staying in Kingsford.
This photo of myself on the stairs of Sydenham station reminds me of a 1971 movie called "French connection" whose posters showed a man being shot in the back by a NYC cop while he ascended the stairs of a railway station.

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