Friday 8 January 2021

Saint Brigid's Church in Marrickville on 31st December 2017


Christmas tree at the altar of Saint Brigid's on 31st December 2017.

St. Brigid's centre aisle. 
St. Brigid's ceiling just above the altar.

Saint Paul of the Cross (*3rd January 1694 +18 October 1775), an Italian mystic and founder of Passionists; Saint Patrick, Bishop of Ireland from the 5th Century.
Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Religious - St. Gabriel was born at Assisi in Umbria in 1838. While very young, he attended school at Spoletto and seemed to be strongly attracted to the world. However, under the call of God's grace, he entered the Passionists where he lived so crucified to the world and so intimately united to God that he became a model of all the virtues. Moreover, he had a very great devotion to the Sorrowful Virgin who was, as it were, the whole reason for his holiness. He died at Isola of Gran Sasso in the Abruzzi on 27 February 1862, after only a little more than 6 years as a Passionist religious. Yet, he made such extraordinary progress in that short time that he was cannonized a saint by the church in 1920. As a patron of youth, his intercession for young people has a special power with God. Apparently Gabriel died of consumption before he could be ordained as a proper priest. He was only 24 years old. 
It must be Saint Brigid herself... for she's carrying the Marrickville church bearing her name.
Gemma Galgani born on 12 March 1878. She had spinal meningitis becoming bed-ridden & on the verge of death. After many weeks she was visited by an angel and recovered miraculously. She died at the age of 25 after developing stigmata.
Vu Dinh Huoc (or Tuoc) a Vietnamese Dominican priest born in 1775; he was tortured to death in 1829.
Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows C.P. (born Francesco Possenti  *1st March 1838 +27 February 1862) was an Italian Passionist clerical student. Born to a professional family, he gave up ambitions of a secular career to enter the Passionist congregation. His life in the monastery was not extraordinary, yet he followed the rule of the congregation perfectly and was known for his great devotion to the sorrows of the Virgin Mary. He died from tuberculosis at the age of 23 in Isola del Gran Sasso, in the province of Teramo. He was canonized by Pope Benedict XV in 1920.
Catholic priests are grouped into different associations aka Orders with certain traits & common goals; the Passionist priesthood's main aim is to meditate about Jesus's suffering & death. They started out in Italy and branched out to Ireland, Australia & Brazil mostly.
I arrived at St Brigid's as the 9:00 am Mass had ended. The celebrant priest usually goes out to the front of the church and greets his flock who are going home. 31st December 2017.
Saint Brigid's 9:00 o'clock Sunday Mass - 5 February 2018
The Stations of the Cross pictures at St. Brigid's. I missed pictures 3, 4, 5 & 6. I hope I'll photograph them next time I visit it.
Parking lot & grounds of St. Brigid's.
St. Brigid's school & monastery next to the main Church. 
At Sydenham Station on my way to St. Brigid's Church in Marrickville

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